Money-Back Guarantee

We offer a 60 day money-back guarantee upon receipt of your order. If, after you have tried the product daily for a minimum of 30 days you are not satisfied with the results we will refund your original purchase. We offer a money-back guarantee on the smaller 7.7lb tub of B-Complete only, as this is enough time for you to see results for your horse. 

Terms & Conditions:

We will not be able to offer a refund if you contact us far outside of the 60-day window, or if you have not been feeding the supplements daily.  

For most horses one box should be enough to determine the effectiveness of the product for your horse. Because of this, we are only able to honour the guarantee for 1 box of product per household.

If you purchased more than one box, we will be more than happy to apply the guarantee to 1 opened box, any other unopened tubs can be returned and refunded separately.

We do not offer refunds if:

  • You have purchased the larger 19.8lb tub. The smaller 7.7lb tub will provide more than enough product to determine results. 
  • You have contacted us later than the 60 days from receipt of the order.