Getting the most out of your Supplements 💚

All Equinutritive Goodies are designed as natural ways of improving your horse or ponies day to day and overall wellbeing.

That being said, we often find customers making mistakes in the ways they feed the products, so here's our top tips on how to get the most out of your Equinutritive goodies!

Alongside feeding No More Nerves, ensure that there are no/ minimal heating ingredients in the diet. Molasses, soya, corn/maize, magnesium, barley and wheat can all have heating effects. We recommend checking that these ingredients are not in any other feeds you are giving your horse. If you are unsure, please get in contact and a member of our team will gladly assist you. 

Be Patient - No More Nerves is non-sedating so it doesn’t start to take effect immediately. No More Nerves works by regulating the nervous system and takes about 3 weeks (on average) to start having an impact. In some cases, if the anxiety is acute, it may take longer. The full benefits of the settled nervous system should be clear after feeding for 3 months. 

Consistency - Ensure you are feeding the appropriate amount and that it is fed daily without any breaks or gaps. 

Consider a gut reset: When there is stress, the gut is effected too, and vice versa - the connection between the two is known as the Gut-Brain axis. Consider adding a short course of gut support - 1-3 months to help with settling your horse’s nervous system as this will help to disrupt the vicious cycle of the a gut disturbance triggering a nervous system response and stress causing gut disturbances. 

Alongside feeding Revive ’N’ Shine we recommend ensuring that your horse's diet does not contain excess sugar and starch as this may exacerbate itchy skin conditions. Ideally anything fed to horses with itchy skin, sweet itch or other allergic conditions should have a combined sugar and starch content of less than 10%.

Avoid inflammatory ingredients such as corn, soya and oils high in Omega 6 (especially corn oil) if feeding horses with sweet itch and other allergic conditions as these will exacerbate the inflammatory response within the body. 

Consistency - Ensure you are feeding the appropriate amount and that it is fed daily without any breaks or gaps.

Most of the benefits of Golden Oldies occur internally so you may not notice a huge change in your horse, unless they have been struggling significantly before starting to feed Golden Oldies. The product is working hard to support your horse’s liver, metabolism circulation and overall health. 

Consistency - Ensure you are feeding the appropriate amount and that it is fed daily without any breaks or gaps.

Introduce the product gradually and build up over a period of a week to ten days so as not to disrupt the digestive system. Ensure the supplement is well mixed into the feed and dampen the feed if your horse is particularly fussy. Even if they don’t like it at first, almost all horses will happily eat the supplement after 2-3 days. 

Alongside feeding Moody Madam we recommend that your horse's diet does not contain any heating ingredients that may exacerbate hormonal, reactive behaviours. Such ingredients to avoid include soya, corn, maize and molasses. Ensure that the diet does not contain more than 10% sugar and starch combined. If you need assistance with assessing your mare’s diet, reach out to us and we’ll be happy to help. 

Be Patient - It will take a couple of weeks to a month for Moody Madam to settle your mare’s hormones. Once regulated, she should have less problematic cycles. 

Consistency - Ensure you are feeding the appropriate amount and that it is fed daily without any breaks or gaps.

Alongside feeding breathe Rite, protect your horse as best you can from any known allergens that may cause respiratory discomfort. Minimise your horse's dust exposure, soak hay (and feed) before feeding, use dust extracted bedding, feed from the ground and ensure your stables have adequate ventilation.

Be Patient - It will take several weeks for Breathe Rite to take effect.

Consistency - Ensure you are feeding the appropriate amount and that it is fed daily without any breaks or gaps.

Alongside B-Complete, we recommend ensuring your horse's diet is low in sugar and starch as these can contribute to the development of gastric ulcers as well as upsetting the microbiome in the hind gut. 

If your horse is prone to ulcers, anything fed should have a combined sugar and starch content of no more than 8%. 

Ensure your horse has access to ad lib forage.

Make all dietary changes gradually, including the introduction of B-Complete. Introduce the product gradually and build up over a period of a week so that the digestive system is not too disrupted by the addition of a new feed. 

Consistency - Ensure you are feeding the appropriate amount and that it is fed daily without any breaks or gaps. 

Introducing the product to the diet - When starting on Alpha Gold, begin with just 30mls per day, even if you’ll be feeding more eventually. Then, gradually build up the daily feeding amount over 7-10 days. Ensure it is well mixed into the feed and dampen down the feed if your horse is fussy and you’re worried about palatability. Even if your horse doesn’t like it at first, they usually come around within 2-3 days. 

Consistency - Ensure you are feeding the appropriate amount and that it is fed daily without any breaks or gaps.

Be Patient - It will take a few weeks to a for Fill Be Gone to take full effect. Try to ensure your horse is getting gentle exercise daily to assist the circulation through the legs. 

Introduce the product gradually and build up over a period of a week so. Ensure the supplement is well mixed into the feed and dampen the feed if your horse is particularly fussy. 

Consistency - Ensure you are feeding the appropriate amount and that it is fed daily without any breaks or gaps.

Introduce the product gradually and build up over a period of a week so. Ensure the supplement is well mixed into the feed and dampen the feed if your horse is particularly fussy.

Consistency - Ensure you are feeding the appropriate amount and that it is fed daily without any breaks or gaps. Gaps in feeding will make your horse more prone to flare ups. 

You may want to consider devil’s claw and white willow bark as natural alternatives to bute if your horse is in need of pain relief during a flare up. However, these are not competition legal so keep this in mind if you are hoping to compete. 

This is a powerful combination and will have a significant impact on your horse’s overall well-being. However consistency is key. 

Ensure you are feeding the appropriate amount and that it is fed daily without any breaks or gaps. Be sure to feed both products in the reset every day. 

It is important that there are minimal heating ingredients in the diet. Molasses, soya, corn/maize, magnesium, barley and wheat can all have heating effects. We recommend checking that these ingredients are not in any other feeds you are giving your horse. If you are unsure, please get in contact and a member of our team will gladly assist you. 

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